Thursday, 25 July 2013

Patrick Obahiagbon replies First Lady Patience Jonathan over Rivers State crisis

In reaction to the crisis threatening to bring Rivers State to its kneels, Hon Patrick Obahiagbon, who has been silent until now, decided to send this message to the First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan. You are please advised to read the message with caution(Lol!)...

     "Is the malodorous excrescence in Rivers State, cascadingly oozing out from erebus Dame, all about the satiation of a megalomaniacal presidential termagant?

    "Let someone assist me in whispering to the Dame that 'Alagamus Paret Ai Ai Num, Ai Ai Num Cest Daret, Opotere Alagamus'."

Can somebody please interpret the message? I hope when the First Lady sees it, she understands.

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1 comment:

  1. Lmao!!!Not even a dictionary can help.
